I'm not from a family that traditionally has family reunions. Oddly enough both sides of my family had reunions this summer three days apart. My grandfather on my mom's side would have turned 100 July and my dad's oldest living sister turned 100 today. Good reasons for families to get together. I grew up with most of my mom's family and am the second oldest grandchild. I rarely met my dad's family and am the middle child of the youngest child so one of the youngest grandchildren.
I am not adopted :) but have often felt I don't fit in my family. Today, at my aunt's 100th birthday celebration I walked into a roomful of people who are just like me. I felt at home and "part of" a bigger thing. Pictures were taken and emails were shared for genealogical pictures and information.
ps....I was without Internet for a week. I DO plan on getting more on this.