Monday, April 15, 2013

Any translation helps?

1 comment:

  1. There are wonderful people in this world who answer questions and offer help. 24 hours after posting this on a Welsh forum, I had the translation of my family Bible transcription.

    I have transcribed the text into modern Welsh orthography :

    'Evan Davies, ei enedigaith a fu ar ddydd cyntaf o fis Awst am un y prynhawn
    Mary Davies.
    Comer -------- adawodd y fuchedd hon Hydref 4 yn 13 ag 11 o fisoedd 1857.
    David Davies ei enedigaith a fu Ebrill 3 1854.
    Barbra Davies ei genedigaith a fu Hydref 20 1856.'

    Evan Davies - his birth took place on the first day of August at one in the
    afternoon 1824.
    Mary Davies.
    Comer ------ departed this life October 4 aged 13 (years) and 11 months
    David Davies, his birth was on April 3, 1854
    Barbra Davies, her birth was on October 20, 1856.

    Kind regards,
